Annual Governance & Accountability Return
The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) is the document that is submitted by local councils presenting a summary of their audit and financial information.
The Annual Governance Statement (AGAR) comprises of:-
Section 1 – The Annual Governance Statement
Section 2 – The Accounting Statements
Section 3 – External Auditor’s Report and Certificate
All the above documents can be accessed by clicking onto the adjacent links
Financial Accounts
- Accounting Statements
- Annual Budget and Precepts
- Annual Governance Statements
- Annual Internal Audits
- Bank Reconciliations
- Certificate of Exemptions
- CIL Reports
- Conclusion of Audit
- External Audit Reports
- Internal Audit Reports
- Internal Control Exception Reports
- Notice of Public Rights
- Receipts & Payments & Other Financial Data
- Variances