10 February 2025 - Council Business
Local Government Reorganisation
Joint Statement from the Leaders of District & Borough Councils & Derby City Council attached.
Whitwell is a thriving parish with a strong community spirit. The parish has many active clubs and societies, including the 1st Whitwell Scouts & Guides Group, Whitwell Players, Whitwell Brass Band, Whitwell & District WI, Whitwell Bowls Club, Cricket Club and a Junior Football Club. The parish also has an active and well attended Church of England church, St. Lawrence Church.
Whitwell Parish Council is a forward-thinking council and its principal role is to provide for government and management of its area at local level. Specifically, parish councils are required to act as a informed and responsible decision-makers in the interests of their communities.
As a local council, Whitwell Parish Council has an extensive range of discretionary powers, enabling it to provide and maintain a variety of important and visible local services. This can be clearly evidenced in our community with the provision of open spaces, recreation equipment, allotments, a cemetery and community buildings, as well as the provision of entertainment in the form of the annual village gala and the firework display.
The following powers and duties are all under the remit of Whitwell Parish Council:-
Allotments - Whitwell Parish Council manages 3 allotment sites - Bakestone Moor, Mill Lane and Station RoadWhitwell Parish Council,
Whitwell Community Centre,
S80 4NN
9am to 2:00pm
Monday - Friday
Committee: Full Council
Joint Statement from the Leaders of District & Borough Councils & Derby City Council attached.
A new bookable bus service called ‘Travel Derbyshire on Demand’ was introduced by Derbyshire County Council in February 2024 with funding from the Department for Transport. This service is available for Whitwell residents to use.
Cllr Tom Munro has contacted Action Housing regarding parking issues for customers of local businesses since the re-development of the old Co-op building and creation of resident parking.
The Remembrance Sunday 2024 Parade and Service will be held in Whitwell on Sunday 10 November 2024. Road Closures will be in place - see attached map of closures to help you plan your morning and use alternative routes if required, emergency vehicles excluded.
On Thursday 8th May 2025 the nation will come together to remember the millions that paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting and securing the freedom we all enjoy today. Whitwell Parish Council will fly the flag and arrange the lighting of the parish beacon at 9.30 pm.
See when the upcoming council meetings are so you can see local governance in action.
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Discover the services that we provide to residents, as well as signposting to local groups, societies and local events.
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